comfortable bed

Ladies, Always Make Your Bed: A Guide to Elevating Your Morning Routine

Embrace the Soft-Life Revolution

An overlooked part of building a soft life? A bed made every morning.

Who knew that a simple habit such as making your bed might actually elevate your mornings and set a tone where order and beauty go hand in hand? It’s really more than just a chore. It’s the foundation of a lifestyle that embraces simplicity and cultivates a sense of accomplishment from the moment you wake up. So, when you make that bed, it’s not just about a pretty bed (well, part of it is 😊); it’s about pouring into yourself, appreciating the simple things in life, and seeing real beauty in evolving as a woman on her stuff – if you know what I mean. Now, if you’re a working woman, always on the go, and not used to making your bed daily, I get it. I will admit that it takes some discipline. However, once you make it a normal part of your morning routine, you will love it there.

Image: Pinterest

Your Morning Sanctuary

Transforming Your Bedroom into a Personal Zen Den

Imagine stepping into your bedroom, and a wave of tranquility just hits you. Everything is in its place, bathed in soft light. Your bed, the centerpiece of the room, looks like it belongs in a magazine. It’s not just made; it’s slayed, styled with fluffy pillows and a luxuriously draped throw. My kind of bed!

Making your bed isn’t just about checking a chore off your list, which is something I have to remind myself. It’s about creating a comfy retreat for yourself. It’s a small act of self-care that says, “I deserve to feel good in my own space.”

And the best part? It’s super easy. You don’t need to be a professional stylist to make your bed look amazing. Just a few simple steps can take your room from messy to marvelous.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start with fresh sheets. Crisp, clean sheets are the foundation of a great bed – an absolute must! Choose a color or pattern that makes you happy.
  2. Fluff your pillows. Make them look like inviting clouds you can sink into.
  3. Layer on the comfort. Add a blanket or throw for extra coziness.
  4. Accessorize (optional). Throw in a decorative pillow or two, or fold a scarf at the foot of the bed.

That’s it! You’ve just created your morning sanctuary that reflects your modern, feminine style. It’s intentional, calming, and effortlessly chic – just like you.

So take a few minutes each morning to make your bed. It’s a small act that will make a big difference in your day.

Here are some bonus tips for making your bed like a pro:

  • Use a duvet cover. It’s easier to make than a regular comforter, and it gives your bed a polished look.
  • Invest in a good mattress pad. It will make your bed more comfortable and protect your mattress.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. Try different colors, patterns, and textures to find what you love.

Most importantly, have fun. Making your bed should be a joy, not a burden. So put on some music, light a candle, and enjoy the process of creating your own little slice of heaven.

The Mind-Body Connection

Boosting Your Mental Well-being

Did you know that the state of your surroundings can impact your mental well-being? Making your bed promotes a sense of order, reduces visual clutter, and promotes a calm mind. It’s a small but powerful step in creating a positive environment that supports your mental health.

If you’ve ever walked into your room and it’s a mess, doesn’t your stress level instantly jump? I know mine does. I can’t stand for my room to be in disarray. It’s like our homes and minds are kind of connected in some strange kind of way. In the words of Funny Marco, “It’s a mindset thing.” LOL No, but for real. Making your bed in the morning can actually ease your mind for the rest of the day. It’s like pressing a “calm reset” button for your brain.

Why? Simple. A neat bed gives your eyes a break from clutter, and that sends a calming signal to your brain. It’s like saying, “Hey, this space is calm and organized, so you can chill out.” It also helps knowing that after a long day, you’ll have a nice, comfy bed to fall into.

Plus, the feeling of accomplishment you get from checking off that “make the bed” box can boost your mood and confidence. This is truly a thing because it is like a tiny win for me when I am able to make the time to do any tidying up in the morning.

So yeah, next time you wake up, give your bed a quick fluff and hug. Your mind (and future you) will thank you for it!

Mastering the Soft-Life Aesthetic

Infusing Elegance into Daily Rituals

Now, this is my favorite part. I love pretty-ing up a room. Soft life isn’t just about self-care; it’s about expressing your style! And your bed is the perfect blank slate. Think of it as a tiny stage, ready to showcase your modern feminine aesthetic. With a few simple folds and fluffs, you can create a stylish look that’s both chic and comfy.

Here’s the inspo:

  • Geometric Goddess: Crisp lines, folded corners, and a monochromatic color scheme for a sleek and sophisticated vibe.
  • Boho Babe: Layers of textures, mismatched patterns, and overflowing pillows for a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Minimalist Muse: Less is more. Smooth sheets, a single throw, and pops of color create a clean and calming space.

And remember, don’t be afraid to experiment. Add a decorative pillow, drape a scarf at the foot of the bed, or even string some fairy lights overhead. Whatever makes your heart sing and reflects your unique style is what matters.

Kickstarting Your Productive Day

The Ripple Effect of Morning Routines

Making your bed is like your morning power move. This is where good habits begin, and they just keep on coming. Picture it as the key to a day where you’re on fire – getting stuff done, feeling confident, and owning that sense of achievement. So, let making your bed be your first win of the day, starting you off with a dose of positivity and success. Imagine how that sets the tone for a day where you’re in the zone, checking off tasks, and feeling unstoppable. It’s all about those little victories adding up to a big win. You got this!


In life’s grand scheme, it’s the simple things that paint the most beautiful pictures. Making your bed every day? It’s like adding a stroke of elegance to the painting of your existence, lifting up not just your mornings but your whole journey. Get into that modern, feminine vibe, embrace the soft life, and see how this one easy habit can make a huge difference in your life. It’s like sprinkling a bit of magic into your daily routine. Elevate your mornings, elevate your life!

And remember, the bed that you make or don’t make, you’ve gotta lay in it! Pun intended.


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